The text widget is used to integrate simple text into the board, for example to group widgets. Widget texts can be included in multiple languages.
Settings |
Description |
Mandatory? |
Enter the text. Click the globe icon to enter the text in multiple languages. |
Yes |
Horizontal alignment: |
Choose whether the text is aligned left, center, or right. |
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Vertical alignment: |
Choose whether the text is vertically aligned top, center, or bottom. |
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Text markup: |
Make the text bold or italic, or put an underscore. |
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Choose one of the preset font sizes. |
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Set the text color. Click the palette icon to open the corresponding dialog. Enter either a hex or RGB value or select a color with the color picker. White (RGBA: 255,255,255,1) removes the text. The alpha value is always 1 or 100%, so no transparency can be set. |
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: |
Set the border color for the widget. Click the palette icon to open the corresponding dialog. Enter either a hex or RGBA value or choose a color with the color picker. White (RGBA: 255,255,255,1) or an alpha value of 0 makes the border invisible. |
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